Gas Prices are an average of .08 cents lower per gallon nationwide than they were a week ago. The price of crude oil is less than $60.00 a barrel this week with further decline in price expected within the next few days!
If you have found a station in your area with exceptionally low prices, please let us know and we will feature them on your city page.
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Find Gas Stations Wirelessly -- Use your web-enabled cell phone to easily find gas stations, check prices and even update prices while on the road. Just set your phone browser to "" and enjoy all of the conveniences and benefits of FuelMeUp from your car.
| can help you find cheap gas prices and gas stations in your city. Gasoline prices change frequently and may vary widely within only a few blocks of your home. It is important to be able to locate the gas service station with the lowest priced gas and fuel. allows our friends to share information about cheaply priced gas and fuel with others as well as targeting the lowest priced stations to save money when filling up at the gas station pumps!

If you would like to help spot and post gas prices in your neighborhood so others can benefit from our website, then Click Here to sign up to be a gas price spotter. We have thousands of gas station volunteers just like you spotting and posting gasoline prices, putting in time to help their friends find cheap gas.
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Ten Lowest Avg. Gas Prices
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Ten Highest Avg. Gas Prices
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Find the Cheapest Gas Prices in your zip code. We update our gas stations three times a day nationwide for 82,000 gas stations. Save money using the FuelMeUp approved partners. Our site is secure and hacker safe. All merchants have been reviewed and accredited. This site is consumer driven. If you have any problems with our recommendations, please let us know immediately. Become a gas spotter and get special deals.
One significant way to save money at the pump is with the gas rebate credit card. FuelMeUp has researched several different card offers and even interviewed card holders. One of the best gas saving credit cards is the Discover® Open RoadSM Card. You can save 5-7% per fill up. Right now that savings is about 18 cents per gallon of gas you purchase. Another great card that you need to apply for is the American Express Simply Cash card. This card gives you 5% cash back on all gasoline purchases. FuelMeUp suggests that you apply for both cards because the acceptance rate is closely monitored for both programs. (Free to do, so you have nothing to loose)